In case you missed it: Kate Gosselin in bikini
It’s difficult to raise a large family during this recession. The price of food, clothing, toys, school supplies, medicine and entertainment continue to climb at a pace well ahead of the rate at which salaries are growing.Jobs have become scarce as companies tighten the belt and cut staff. This sends a large pool of people into the job market, making already difficult competition near overwhelming. It's no wonder working families look to a cash advance in a while to absorb temporary economic shocks.
But not everyone is bundling up to hide from the world. Despite her recent marital difficulties, Kate Gosselin in bikini pictures are popping up all over, which could indicate that the mother of eight from “Jon & Kate Plus 8” wants everyone to know that her body of work will not be denied.
Soaking it all up
Brian Orloff writes in People that Kate Gosselin (in bikini!) and her children frolicked in the waves on Bald Head Island, North Carolina. They also enjoyed the summer rays at the Bald Head Island Club pool, dined at a restaurant called Ebb and Flow (only the latter term applies to Kate Gosselin in bikini these days, apparently) stayed at a nearby beach house Because everybody needs a holiday from the TLC channel.
People was able to dig up at least one Bald Head Island resident who was willing to comment on Kate Gosselin in bikini (and colorful enough to embellish and use in print). Brittani Reynolds commented that Kate was “far from incognito” during the outing. “She looked like a movie star” in her sunglasses, Reynolds said. “She had a manicure and looked like she takes care of herself. She actually seemed to be in a good mood; she was making jokes with everyone.”
Jon didn’t make a splash… with her
Jon has kept silent on the state of his marriage to Kate Gosselin (in bikini), but it couldn’t be good. But just look at the man, won’t you? Does he look like he knows what’s going on around him? He probably mistook the young woman at his side for a giant floater - one who sings off key, enjoys a good martini and wears tasty lip gloss.
However, in sober moments, Jon Gosselin has responded to accusations that his children are “exploited and over-worked” on the television show “Jon & Kate Plus 8.”" Gosselin has said he thinks it’s all a “bunch of rubbish.” In a People interview, he elaborated: “Exploited? I don’t even want to use that word, because I think it’s ridiculous.” Jon maintains the kids are his primary focus in life now (conspicuously, he has been leaving Kate out of that equation lately). However, if he found that quitting the show would be what was best for the kids, he would do so. The show may not be able to continue much longer, anyway.
As far as divorce, that appears to be on the way. People caught up with Jon outside his attorneys’ offices, and the reporter covering claimed Gosselin looked “like he’d been through a war.” He was thankful it wasn’t the usual barrage of paparazzi photographers.
“All of them are sitting at my house and I’m here. I swoop in and swoop out.”
Octomom wants a piece of Kate Gosselin in bikini
Nadya Suleman, the attention-mongering “Octomom,” is hoping Dr. Phil will cut her another check soon. Now that another mother of eight is stealing her headlines, the social services leech has come out scratching:
Clearly, Nadya is blown away by how good Kate Gosselin looks in a bikini, particularly after having that many children (no small feat, as any mother can attest). But you have to read between the lines, as Octomom (she’s still working on trademarking the moniker) is trying to make it seem like Kate should come out to the world and say, “Yes, I’ve had tummy tucks.”
Look at that flash of passionate rage as Suleman tears up that set of Kate Gosselin (in bikini!) photos. Nostrils flaring, chest heaving, mane flowing in the wind (she keeps fans around for dramatic effect)… Octomom wants to have a go at the soon-to-be-divorced Kate Gosselin. It’s undeniable, but it would be entirely inappropriate if the kids were present. Perhaps Dr. Phil will babysit?
Aaaaand… they’ll charge for the pay-per-view. This is your tablo-reality TV, people! Cue the wind machine…
Octomom is actually coming to television
Nadya Suleman has signed a TV deal with a European production company, according to Fox News Philadelphia. Thus, her act will be coming to cable television in the near future. Nothing like trying to tear down the competition before the game begins, eh? Considering that the Gosselin empire is worth as much as $10 million currently, Kate Gosselin in bikini won’t be going away any time soon. Plus, she likely won’t be needing a cash advance or unsecured loans to help out with childcare. Even if Jon gets a lion’s share of the money, but that depends upon whether they get a liberal or conservative judge for the divorce proceedings.