Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8 Dad Caught With Other Woman

This is direct from a us , if you like news and gossips they are a great site to bookmark.

Jon and Kate! - Jon and Kate Plus 8 Dad Caught With Other Woman

The new issue of Us Weekly has shocking, exclusive pictures of the Jon & Kate Plus 8 dad leaving a club at 2 a.m. -- with a mystery woman and without his wedding band.

Jon Gosselin arrived at the club at 11:20 p.m. and by 2 a.m. "could barely walk" as he exited the less-public back entrance of Legends Lounge -- near the family's $1.3-million home in Wernersville, Pennsylvania -- on April 18, a fellow partier tells Us Weekly.

The dad of 8 -- kids are twins Madelyn and Cara, 8, and 5-year-old sextuplets, Aaden, Joel, Collin, Hannah, Leah and Alexis -- was overheard yelling, "Hey, babe! Babe! Give me my jacket!" before climbing into his Nissan Nismo. (She complied.) As cameras began snapping, he panicked, urging his female friend to "get in the car!" before speeding off hastily -- without even turning on the headlights.

Where was his wife Kate -- known for her insults and who famously once berated him for breathing on the show?

Nearly 2,000 miles away, promoting her book Eight Little Faces in Bellevue, Washington.

While TLC had no comment on the story or the couple's marital status, Jon sent an emailed statement to Us.

"I went to Legends to speak to the owner. A friend of mine wanted to check out my car, so I let her drive it to her car," he says. "Yes, I have female friends -- but that is all she is. I'm not going to end my friendships just because I'm on TV."

Check out the day's top news photos.

In February, the 32-year-old was spotted flirting with -- and even attempting to kiss -- coeds at Juniata College, multiple students confirm to Us Weekly. (He denied any wrongdoing.) He told one coed "he was getting divorced." In the May Ladies Home Journal, he says, "I always thought I would be, like, 54 years old and marry a 19-year-old or something."

My opinion: well when the cat is away look who is coming out to play!

Friday, June 5, 2009

What is Kate Gosselin up to now?


In case you missed it: Kate Gosselin in bikini

It’s difficult to raise a large family during this recession. The price of food, clothing, toys, school supplies, medicine and entertainment continue to climb at a pace well ahead of the rate at which salaries are growing.Jobs have become scarce as companies tighten the belt and cut staff. This sends a large pool of people into the job market, making already difficult competition near overwhelming. It's no wonder working families look to a cash advance in a while to absorb temporary economic shocks.

But not everyone is bundling up to hide from the world. Despite her recent marital difficulties, Kate Gosselin in bikini pictures are popping up all over, which could indicate that the mother of eight from “Jon & Kate Plus 8” wants everyone to know that her body of work will not be denied.

Soaking it all up

Brian Orloff writes in People that Kate Gosselin (in bikini!) and her children frolicked in the waves on Bald Head Island, North Carolina. They also enjoyed the summer rays at the Bald Head Island Club pool, dined at a restaurant called Ebb and Flow (only the latter term applies to Kate Gosselin in bikini these days, apparently) stayed at a nearby beach house Because everybody needs a holiday from the TLC channel.

People was able to dig up at least one Bald Head Island resident who was willing to comment on Kate Gosselin in bikini (and colorful enough to embellish and use in print). Brittani Reynolds commented that Kate was “far from incognito” during the outing. “She looked like a movie star” in her sunglasses, Reynolds said. “She had a manicure and looked like she takes care of herself. She actually seemed to be in a good mood; she was making jokes with everyone.”

Jon didn’t make a splash… with her

Jon has kept silent on the state of his marriage to Kate Gosselin (in bikini), but it couldn’t be good. But just look at the man, won’t you? Does he look like he knows what’s going on around him? He probably mistook the young woman at his side for a giant floater - one who sings off key, enjoys a good martini and wears tasty lip gloss.

However, in sober moments, Jon Gosselin has responded to accusations that his children are “exploited and over-worked” on the television show “Jon & Kate Plus 8.”" Gosselin has said he thinks it’s all a “bunch of rubbish.” In a People interview, he elaborated: “Exploited? I don’t even want to use that word, because I think it’s ridiculous.” Jon maintains the kids are his primary focus in life now (conspicuously, he has been leaving Kate out of that equation lately). However, if he found that quitting the show would be what was best for the kids, he would do so. The show may not be able to continue much longer, anyway.

As far as divorce, that appears to be on the way. People caught up with Jon outside his attorneys’ offices, and the reporter covering claimed Gosselin looked “like he’d been through a war.” He was thankful it wasn’t the usual barrage of paparazzi photographers.

“All of them are sitting at my house and I’m here. I swoop in and swoop out.”

Octomom wants a piece of Kate Gosselin in bikini

Nadya Suleman, the attention-mongering “Octomom,” is hoping Dr. Phil will cut her another check soon. Now that another mother of eight is stealing her headlines, the social services leech has come out scratching:

Clearly, Nadya is blown away by how good Kate Gosselin looks in a bikini, particularly after having that many children (no small feat, as any mother can attest). But you have to read between the lines, as Octomom (she’s still working on trademarking the moniker) is trying to make it seem like Kate should come out to the world and say, “Yes, I’ve had tummy tucks.”

Look at that flash of passionate rage as Suleman tears up that set of Kate Gosselin (in bikini!) photos. Nostrils flaring, chest heaving, mane flowing in the wind (she keeps fans around for dramatic effect)… Octomom wants to have a go at the soon-to-be-divorced Kate Gosselin. It’s undeniable, but it would be entirely inappropriate if the kids were present. Perhaps Dr. Phil will babysit?

Aaaaand… they’ll charge for the pay-per-view. This is your tablo-reality TV, people! Cue the wind machine…

Octomom is actually coming to television

Nadya Suleman has signed a TV deal with a European production company, according to Fox News Philadelphia. Thus, her act will be coming to cable television in the near future. Nothing like trying to tear down the competition before the game begins, eh? Considering that the Gosselin empire is worth as much as $10 million currently, Kate Gosselin in bikini won’t be going away any time soon. Plus, she likely won’t be needing a cash advance or unsecured loans to help out with childcare. Even if Jon gets a lion’s share of the money, but that depends upon whether they get a liberal or conservative judge for the divorce proceedings.

Why is Kate Gosselin estranged from her parents?

Got this great info from the good people at Wikianswers

There is a great deal of speculation about Kate Gosselin's relationship with her parents. Please add your contribution to the Discussion

Contributions from various Wikianswerers:

* Kate's parents are Charlene and Kenton Kreider. Charlene (age 50) and Kenton (59) had six kids - Kate is the second oldest (born when Charlene was only 17). Kenton is an assistant pastor at Calvary Bible Church in Sinking Spring, PA. He and Charlene own a trailer park/campground in Lancaster (primary business)

* Actually ISAMER (Original Wikianswerer) only 10% of the above is true... Actually, Kate's father has his Masters Degree in Education. Hes a Teacher, a Minister, owns a large Campground, was in local govt and they just built a large beautiful house.

* Actually no one knows this except Kate.

* Actually, many people know exactly why Kate is estranged from her parents. Her dad had the members of his church pull together to help Jon and Kate when she had the sextuplets. They donated clothes and cribs, among other things. Kate rejected the cribs as she only wanted NEW, MATCHING ones, not gently used. Also, she told her dad she only wanted CASH. Kenton Kreider could not go back to his church members and tell them his daughter refused their overwhelming generosity and would accept only cash. So, Kate cut her mom and dad out of the sextuplets lives. They are estranged. So, when Kate says on the show, "They don't know how to help us," what she means is that she did not get the cold, hard cash she insisted on. Jon and Kate's PR people can spin it anyway they like, but the reality is that Kate cut her parents out of her lives because of money. Kate, a self proclaimed "devout Christian" should know the "money is the root of all evil."

* Kate is not estranged from her parents. She stated in an episode of Jon and Kate Plus Eight that they simply don't live in the same neighborhood and just because you don't see them on the show, they still participate in the lives of all 8 Gosselin Children.

* The above is not true: Kate's father has his Masters Degree in Education. Hes a Teacher, a Minister, owns a large Campground, was in local govt and they just built a large beautiful house. And they have all their teeth. They love all their grandchildren but Kate has hurt them deeply when the sextuplets were born.
Kate's Dads church where he is a Minister got tons of donations and volunteers for the sextuplets and Kate was rude, nasty and demanded ONLY NEW MATCHING items.
Then she demanded CASH. Then she disowned him when he refused to give in.
She rejected unmatched cribs and clothing.
She wanted 6 matching cribs etc.
These are the same grandparents that watched the twins the entire time Kate was in the hospital with the sextuplets.

See where this is going?

It caused a rift and Kate disowned them in a huff and cut the sextuplets out of their lives.

* I don't think she would do this!! when u get pregnant wit sextuplets you wouldn't be stupid enough 2 turn down cribs!!

* Sadly the above poster is correct as to her parents as its been discussed with the locals in Elizabethtown PA where they live by people who donated clothes and then found out they were given away to a consignment shop. Kate's parents would not give into her wacky demands and so she cut them out of her and her children's lives. The one person who did have insight to the real workings of what was really going on in the home and on the show and who used to be on Jon & Kate Plus 8 was Jon and Kate's sister-in-law Jodi the wife of Kate's brother. Jodi has been featured in many episodes of Jon and Kate Plus 8. Jodi used to help out Kate and baby sat a lot for the sextupletss, she has now been booted from the sextuplets lives for speaking up for the children and confronting Kate Gosselin on a few issues about the show. Looks to be a bad pattern here. Sadly in all of this its the children who pay the ultimate price. You can read of whats going on here

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Another excellent article in E online

hi all

I just stumbled on this article in E on line...Love it

also a good video here

oh! and before you go here is alexis proving that girls and aligators are meant for each other! ;)

Here is an absolutely brilliant article from Maria Andrew, writting in

Jon and Kate Plus 8 Under Child Labor Investigation

by Maria E. Andreu
Friday May 29, 2009, 2:22 PM

Jon and Kate Plus 8's show is under investigation.
The Pennsylvania Department of Labor is investigating whether "Jon & Kate Plus 8" is complying with child labor laws, according to AP. And one has to wonder what took so long.

Sure, it may seem like it's a case of kicking people when they're down. After all, Jon and Kate Gosselin have had their share of hardship in the last several weeks: allegations that Jon cheated with a 23-year-old schoolteacher and that Kate is everything from a money-hungry power freak to a manipulative schemer and a cheater herself. Amidst reports of their disintegrating marriage, the fifth season of their increasingly popular TLC reality show aired, and the strain on them was clearly evident: paparazzi stood at a distance and photographed their sextuplets' outdoor birthday party while Jon and Kate barely exchanged a word. It was all so riveting, 10 million of us tuned in to watch.

But today's AP story brings up another point: what about the kids? Underage performers have long been protected by child labor laws that regulated how long they were allowed to work. But if it's a "reality" show and cameras are just hanging around (and kids aren't performing, just living their lives), is that work? While we'll have to wait and see what the investigation uncovers, it brings up the murkiness of issues that "reality" t.v. raises.

We all know that reality television is that often more in name than in fact. Reports have long surfaced about "missed" scenes re-shot for the cameras or scenarios set up for the benefit of the audience. At this point, it is unknown just how much of that goes on in this particular show. But as with the old scientific maxim - the very act of observing something changes it - so too do I wonder if the very act of observing these kids' lives has changed them. They certainly seem busier than my family.

And what are the ethics of profiting from the story of these minors who are too young to consent to be filmed? Reportedly, the family is paid between $50,000 to $75,000 per episode. Is any of this money being set aside for them?

Jon and Kate Plus 8 used to be a guilty little pleasure I watched when I wanted to unwind, take a breather from my own two-kid life and think, "See, my life's not so hectic after all." But as with all escapism, when you look behind the curtain, the reality may not always be so dreamy.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is Jon Gosselin Moving Out?

Well according to the National Ledger they are...

Are they split? With the season five premiere of Jon 7 Kate Plus 8 it’s clear that Jon and Kate Gosselin’s marriage is under a microscope. Did Jon move out for good and how will the show handle it? Many believe that a split will move ratings even higher as viewers get a dose of Celegbrity tabloid each week.
Jon and Kate Plus 8 Split, Why Jon Gosselin Is Moving Out
Jon and Kate Plus 8 Split, Why Jon Gosselin Is Moving Out

According to an in touch weekly magazine report a TLC insider reveals that Jon may not be in the picture much longer. “Producers have begun looking for apartments that are camera-crew friendly so that Jon can move out (whether he wants to or not),” says the insider.


Since at least early February Jon has been spending time in Huntington, Pa., near where his mom lives. That’s a full three hours away from the home he shares with Kate. But he began spending more time at home after rumors surfaced that he was cheating on his wife of 10 years.

Now, the 32 year old dad ,who denies having an affair with elementary school teacher Deanna Hummel, isn’t even trying to put on a happy face for the cameras anymore. “I can’t be myself,” he says during a testimonial that aired on the show on Monday. is that why he is moving out - or is it all for ratings for the TV SHOW?

Opinion: It has to be a bit of both, they are not getting on but the show must go on as they say. they are not going to kill the goode that lay the golden eggs now are they?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Kate Gosselin: Her Lonely New Life

I really like that post from Tina W on the web site Rant and Rave:

Her it is in full:

Kate Gosselin has begged TLC for two more seasons of “Jon and Kate Plus 8.” But, unlike Jon, she can’t just boss around network executives.

Jon and Kate Gosselin will have to go to marriage counseling before they get even one more season. Not surprisingly, Kate Gosselin initially screamed and refused to go to counseling, even though her marriage is being torn to shreds. Then Kate Gosselin perked up because she found out that she’d get more money. Seriously.

If you’re watching Jon and Kate Plus 8, you’d know that the new season has a lot of Kate Gosselin complaints about “her lonely new life,” even as she gets $75,000 per show to destroy her family on TV.

C’mon, Kate. She needs to drop her “lonely new life” argument and fess up. Big bucks aren’t worth a destroyed family. Just look at Jon. Kate Gosselin needs to sober up and think for a minute.

The YouTube video shows Kate Gosselin trying to defend herself -- this is before her "lonely new life" stage.

What do you thing....Personnaly I think it hits the mark, well done Tina

Now you remember when she talked about her new book and the rumors....

The sadest thing on TV, let's see what we can do to cheer us up!

This is taken verbatim from a brillant TV Blogg called Television without pity , I urge to visit them once you've read this article:

After witnessing the most depressing 73 minutes of television we've ever seen in our entire lives -- i.e. the Jon & Kate Plus 8 season premiere -- earlier this week, it became clear to us and the rest of the nation that Jon and Kate Gosselin's marriage is clearly over. A sad fact, but a true one nonetheless. But just because Kate has made it very clear that she'd like to continue the show and Jon has made it very clear that he'd rather be drowning is no reason the show should end. After all, those kids aren't just going to exploit themselves! If The Hills can recast LC then Jon & Kate can certainly recast Jon. Here are a few (gender-blind 'cause it's 2009!) reality star suggestions.

1. Zoila (Flipping Out)
Helpful, submissive, accustomed to working with a controlling crazy person. Not sure how well she'd do around the incessantly vomiting children (why do they vomit all the time???), but she's ideal in regard to everything else. This is probably Kate's best bet.

2. Chris Harrison (The Bachelor/Bachelorette)
He's used to dealing with whiny, broken people, and from what we've seen, the Gosselin kids are probably more mature than any of the Bachelors or Bachelorettes. And it's not like he has any dignity left for Kate to take away. This is a step up for him!

3. Bear Gyrlls (Man vs. Wild)
Self-explanatory. And almost as perfectly suited for taking on this family as Zoila is. Almost.

4. Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs)
He rolls around in cockroaches for a living, so it's not like he's squeamish. He could jump in when Kate's too grossed out to deal with Leah, who can vomit on cue, and the rest of them, who usually have something disgusting all over them or coming out of them.

5. Jillian Michaels (The Biggest Loser)
They could team up to prepare healthy, organic meals for the kids. And all those issues with Jon being a lazy, out of shape mouth-breather who is reluctant to discipline? A thing of the past! Those kids would be like West Point grads after living in that house for a season.

6. Simon van Kempen (The Real Housewives of New York)
So what if he has a creepily possessive relationship with the wife he already has? If Kate's going to choose a life of fame whoring at the expense of her family, she might as well be taught by the master. Plus we'd love to see Maddy do a number on those feral van Kempen children. And Kate do a number on Kelly Bensimon as well, for that matter.

7. Judge Judy (Judge Judy)
We don't watch much of Judge Judy these days because it is no longer 1996 and the novelty has worn off a bit, but she's still quite the ball-buster. Her robes might get dirty when they take the kids out to play, but at least Kate would have someone to fight with and the kids wouldn't get away with anything anymore.

8. Ashley (Rock of Love, Charm School)
First of all, she is a fantastic cook so that would be helpful. Plus she is great with kids comfortable with confrontation, and when Kate is being "Lame!" she'd helpfully let her know it. We all need a little Ashley in our lives, but Kate needs her the most.

9. Tabatha Coffey (Tabatha's Salon Takeover)
Pretty much just to strap Kate down and fix that damn hair.

10. Gordon Ramsay (Hell's Kitchen)
He can dish it out as well as he can take it, and he values proactivity as much as Kate does. As long as he reserved the yelling for Kate and didn't destroy the children's self esteem by calling them donkeys or donuts or something, this is a team that could run that household like the salmonella-free kitchen of Gordon's dreams. John Dory for every Gosselin! Except Jon, obviously!

This video contains "rude words"

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It may come to an end but, did you ever wonder how they met?

Watch the video and find out !

Did you watch the last 10 Minuutes of the show?

Awkwaaaaard....wasn't it?

Most of the finale was typical footage of the family but the last 10 minutes of the show were, by far, the most exciting.

If you’re a fan of the show, you’ve probably heard the rumors that Jon is cheating on Kate and that he’s not happy with the way things are in his family. The latter part of that sentence was evident as Jon and Kate sat on the infamous couch and poured their hearts out to America last night.

Whether or not we see Jon, Kate and their 8 children again hangs in the balance of whether or not Kate and Jon Gosselin can come to an agreement. It is extremely clear that Jon does not want to do another season but Kate does.

Jon said in last night’s episode that he always has to be Jon and Kate Plus 8 – he can never just be Jon, and that’s really hard for him to deal with. Kate pointed out that the show has allowed Jon to maintain a full time job at home but he insisted that that was not necessarily a good thing.

After being ridiculed by his wife for 4 seasons, it’s not surprising that Jon doesn’t want to spend his time at home with her.

So, will there be a Jon and Kate Plus 8 Season 5? Of course there is too much at stake for all of the familly.

I am pretty sure TLC is willing to pay big bucks for the Gosselin familly stay on TV.

Good news for fans is that Kate usually gets her way – so there will be another season.

Do you think Jon is right to want to stop the show (after all, it might save his family) or do you think Kate is right to want to keep going (the show can make them a lot of money and help their kids in the future)?

Jon gosselin confession ?

“I am thinking this possibly could be our last family picture together.” “I don’t know… parents of multiples have, like, triple the divorce rate, and I was thinking we were gonna beat that. I don’t know if I can say that anymore. Very swiftly, we turned into two different people, and that’s just hard. I’ve tried for six months to figure out what the problem is, or remedy the problem. It’s so complicated.”

Meanwhile Kate has confessed to her fans:

“When asked how he would feel if roles were reversed and he were the one traveling, his resentment is clear.” “Slowly, I’ve seen him almost resent the duties [of being a parent],” Kate told the camera on Monday night.
“I know it’s a lot to take care of eight kids. I’m traveling a lot, he’s frustrated a lot. I think he’s angry at me. He doesn’t really feel great about me.” “It’s a lo “I would be lying if I sat here and said, ‘Oh, I’m handing it great.’ It’s not fine.”

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jon & Kate' headed for divorce?

Just got this from the MIAMI Herald :

You didn't have to be a couples therapist to see the Gosselin marriage was under strain on Monday night's season premiere of TLC's Jon & Kate Plus 8.

The embattled duo arrived separately for their sextuplets' fifth birthday party and barely spoke during the festivities.

Not a big shock -- between the daily challenges of caring for eight kids, they have to deal with allegations of cheating and a supersized media onslaught.

The Gosselins -- normally filmed together -- spoke individually. Jon, who insisted he was ''being innocent and hanging out'' despite reports of an affair with a teacher, said, ``I never read a tabloid magazine until I was in one. And the first one I bought was the last one I bought.''

Meanwhile, Kate has spent a lot of time on the road, promoting her new book, Multiple Blessings. ''So he's angry with me that he's home and I'm not,'' Kate said of her husband of 10 years. ``Yet he doesn't really feel great about me, so he wants me to travel.''

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon Gosselin has had an affair!

a surprise!

What is the Jon and Kay show about?

This is a "day-in-the-life" show on TLC that examines the family life of a married couple, Jon and Kate Gosselin. The Gosselins are unusual in that they have 8 children, two of whom are twins, Mady and Cara, and 6 of whom are sextuplets, Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel. This was originally a 2 hour special on Discovery Health.
As you know season 5 as just launch , so find out for your selves what has happened to the Twins and the Sextuplets!

Go there to watch the setting of the new set:

Jon and Kate Plus 8 News